Member Stories

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Every person takes a different journey on the road to success. Through these inspiring member stories, you can learn more about how people like you found their power. How they overcame their fears of chasing a dream. Set a goal. And accomplished more than they ever imagined. All while enhancing their financial wellbeing. Through their stories, we hope you find the inspiration you need to find success in your own story.

Lake Trust members help giveback $54,390 to housing nonprofits.

Through 2022, Lake Trust members helped donate to local housing nonprofits when they closed on their mortgages.

Anne Trelfa -

Powered by Good Day 2022: Giving back to those experiencing homelessness.

The Lake Trust team spent Powered by Good Day 2022 dedicated to giving back, together. They assembled essential kits for those experiencing homelessness in Michigan. And distributed them to local shelters and nonprofits.

Anne Trelfa -

Lake Trust Foundation golf outing: 10 years of giving back together.

A warm summer rain fell briefly at Barton Hills Country Club where golfers and volunteers gathered for the 10th annual Lake Trust Foundation Invitational.

Anne Trelfa -

Learn more about how you can empower your business.

Your financial wellbeing means more than your balance sheet. It’s about how you’re feeling about your finances. And we’re here to help support you wherever you are on your journey.